Creating a Task

Creating a Task

Tasks in Visualogyx serve as your central hub for managing and tracking all your inspection assignments and to-do items in one place. Whether you need to conduct a new inspection, complete an existing one, or assign a generic task, the Tasks module streamlines your workflow and keeps your team organized and on track. Let's dive into the key features and benefits of using Tasks.

Creating a New Task

To create a new task:

  1. Go to the Tasks section from the main menu on the left.
  2. Click the "New Task" button on the top right.
  3. Enter a descriptive title for your task.
  4. Assign the task to team member(s) responsible for completion.
  5. Set the priority level and due date.
  6. Provide additional instructions or details to guide the assignee(s).

Assigning Inspections and Generic Tasks

Visualogyx offers three types of tasks:

  1. New Inspection: Select "Conduct a New Inspection" from the "+ New Assignment" menu to initiate a new inspection task.
  2. Existing Inspection: Choose "Conduct an Existing Inspection" from the "+ New Assignment" menu and select the desired inspection from the list.
  3. Generic Assignment: For non-inspection tasks, select "Generic Assignment" from the "+ New Assignment" menu and provide a clear description.

Navigating Task Dashboards

The Tasks module in Visualogyx provides three main dashboards to help you manage and track tasks at different stages:

  1. Pending: This dashboard displays all tasks that are currently active and awaiting completion. It serves as your go-to view for monitoring ongoing tasks and ensuring timely progress. The Pending dashboard provides a clear overview of task details, including the title, assigned team, creator, assignee, priority, and status.
  2. Done/Cancelled: The Done/Cancelled dashboard shows tasks that have been either completed or cancelled. This view allows you to review and reference past tasks, keeping a record of accomplished work and cancelled assignments. The dashboard layout is similar to the Pending view, presenting essential task information for easy reference.
  3. All: Clicking on the "All" tab provides a comprehensive view of all tasks, regardless of their status. This dashboard combines tasks from the Pending and Done/Cancelled sections, giving you a complete picture of your task history. The All view is particularly useful for generating reports, conducting audits, or reviewing overall task volume and distribution.

In each dashboard, you can easily navigate through the task list using the provided filters and sorting options. Filter tasks by criteria such as due date, priority, or assignee to focus on specific subsets of tasks. Additionally, you can sort the task list based on various columns, such as title, team, creator, or status, to quickly locate the information you need.

The task dashboards in Visualogyx provide a clean and intuitive interface for managing tasks across different stages. By leveraging these dashboards effectively, you can stay organized, monitor task progress, and make informed decisions to drive productivity and ensure successful project execution.

Collaboration and Communication

Tasks in Visualogyx promote collaboration and communication among team members. Users can:

  • Leave comments within each task
  • Attach relevant files
  • Provide updates

This centralized communication keeps all task-related discussions in one place, eliminating the need for scattered emails or separate messaging apps.

By leveraging Tasks, you can streamline your inspection management process, improve team coordination, and boost productivity. If you have any questions or need further assistance, our dedicated support team is here to help.

Getting Started with Tasks

Tasks in Visualogyx serve as your central hub for managing and tracking all your inspection assignments and to-do items in one place. Whether you need to conduct a new inspection, complete an existing one, or assign a generic task, the Tasks module streamlines your workflow and keeps your team organized and on track. Let's dive into the key features and benefits of using Tasks.

Creating a New Task

To create a new task, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to the Tasks section from the main menu on the left-hand side.

  2. Click on the "New Task" button on the top right to initiate the task creation process.

  3. Enter a descriptive title for your task, ensuring that it clearly conveys the purpose or objective.

  4. Assign the task to the appropriate team member(s) who will be responsible for its completion.

  5. Set the priority level and due date to establish the task's importance and timeline.

6\. Provide any additional instructions or details in the designated field to guide the assignee(s) in completing the task effectively.

Assigning Inspections and Generic Tasks

Visualogyx offers flexibility in the types of tasks you can create and assign. Here are the options available:

  1. New Inspection: Click on the "+ New Assignment" button and select "Conduct a New Inspection" to initiate a new inspection task. Choose the appropriate inspection type, assign it to team members, and set the necessary details.

  2. Existing Inspection: If you need to assign an existing inspection, click on "+ New Assignment" then “Conduct an Existing Inspection” and select the desired inspection from the list. The task will be created with the existing inspection.

  3. Generic Assignment: For tasks that don't specifically involve inspections, such as "Fix the Dishwasher In Apartment 3" click on "+ New Assignment" and select "Generic Assignment" Provide a clear description of the task and assign it to the relevant team member(s).

Monitoring Task Progress

The Tasks module provides a comprehensive overview of all your tasks, enabling you to monitor progress and stay informed. The task list displays essential information, including:

  • Task Title: A concise description of the task or inspection.
  • Assigned Team: The team member(s) responsible for completing the task.
  • Due Date: The deadline by which the task should be completed.
  • Creator: The person who created and assigned the task.
  • Priority: The level of importance or urgency assigned to the task.
  • Status: The current state of the task, such as "To Do," "In Progress," or "Completed."

You can easily filter and sort tasks based on various criteria, such as due date, priority, or assignee, to focus on the most critical or time-sensitive items.

Collaborating and Communicating

Tasks in Visualogyx foster collaboration and communication among team members. Users can leave comments, attach relevant files, and provide updates within each task, ensuring that everyone stays informed and aligned. This centralized communication eliminates the need for scattered emails or separate messaging apps, keeping all task-related discussions in one place.

By leveraging the power of Tasks, you can streamline your inspection management process, improve team coordination, and boost productivity. Whether you're assigning new inspections, tracking existing ones, or managing generic tasks, Visualogyx provides a user-friendly and efficient platform to keep your team organized and focused on delivering exceptional results.

If you have any questions or need further assistance with using Tasks, our dedicated support team is here to help you make the most of this powerful feature. Start utilizing Tasks today and experience the benefits of a centralized and streamlined task management system!

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