How to Conduct Offline Inspections on the Visualogyx Mobile App

How to Conduct Offline Inspections on the Visualogyx Mobile App

The Visualogyx mobile app allows you to create, complete, and submit inspections even when you are working in areas with limited or no internet connectivity. This offline functionality ensures that you can continue your inspection work seamlessly, regardless of your location or network availability. When you regain internet access, the app will automatically sync your completed inspections to the Visualogyx cloud. Follow these steps to conduct offline inspections using the Visualogyx mobile app.

Step 1: Prepare for Offline Inspections

1. Ensure that you have the latest version of the Visualogyx mobile app installed on your device.

2. While connected to the internet, open the app and log in to your account.

3. Navigate to the "Settings" menu and enable the "Offline Mode" option.

4. The app will download and cache necessary data, such as inspection templates and previous inspection data, to facilitate offline work.

Step 2: Create and Complete Inspections Offline

1. When you are in an area with limited or no internet connectivity, open the Visualogyx mobile app.

2. A banner will appear at the top of the screen, indicating that you are "Working Offline."

3. Create a new inspection by tapping the "+" button and selecting the appropriate template.

4. Fill in the required information, capture photos, and complete the inspection as you normally would.

5. Once you have completed the inspection, tap the "Submit" button.

Step 3: Sync Completed Inspections to the Cloud

1. When you return to an area with stable internet connectivity, open the Visualogyx mobile app.

2. The app will automatically detect that you are back online and will remove the "Working Offline" banner.

3. Any inspections completed while offline will be queued for syncing to the Visualogyx cloud.

4. The app will begin syncing the queued inspections in the background, without requiring any manual intervention.

5. You can continue to use the app and create new inspections while the syncing process is ongoing.

6. Once all queued inspections have been successfully synced, you will see a banner stating "Synced" indicating that your inspections have synced to the Visualogyx Cloud. 

Tips for Offline Inspections

- Regularly connect to the internet to ensure that your app has the latest templates and data cached for offline use.
- Be mindful of device storage when working offline, as completed inspections will be stored locally until they can be synced to the cloud.
- If you need to make changes to an inspection completed offline, you can do so before syncing. Once synced, the inspection will be updated in the cloud.
- In the event of any syncing errors or conflicts, the app will notify you and provide instructions for resolving the issue.

By leveraging the offline capabilities of the Visualogyx mobile app, you can maintain productivity and continuity in your inspection work, even in areas with limited or no internet connectivity. This feature ensures that you can capture critical data and evidence in real-time, regardless of your location, and seamlessly sync your work to the cloud when you regain internet access.
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