How To Use Free-Form Inspections

How To Use Free-Form Inspections

Free-form inspections in Visualogyx provide a flexible and adaptable way to capture data and evidence on the go, without being constrained by a structured template. This approach is ideal for situations where you need to quickly document observations, findings, or activities as they happen. Follow these steps to create and conduct your first free-form inspection.

Step 1: Create a New Free-Form Inspection

  1. Open the Visualogyx mobile app on your device.
  2. Tap the "Create New Inspection" button on the main screen.
  3. Select "Free-Form Inspection" from the available options.

Step 2: Add Evidence and Observations

  1. The free-form inspection interface resembles a live social media feed, allowing you to easily capture and view evidence as you go.
  2. To add a new piece of evidence or observation, tap the "+" button at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Choose from various evidence types, such as photos, videos, audio recordings, notes, or barcodes.
  4. Follow the prompts to capture or input the desired evidence.
  5. Optionally, provide a title or description for each piece of evidence to provide context.

Step 3: Review and Organize Evidence

  1. As you add evidence, it will appear in chronological order on the free-form inspection feed.
  2. Scroll through the feed to review the captured evidence and ensure all necessary information has been documented.
  3. If needed, tap on an individual piece of evidence to view it in full screen, add annotations, or delete it.
  4. Use the "Sort" or "Filter" options to organize the evidence based on type, date, or other criteria.

Step 4: Complete and Submit the Inspection

  1. Once you have finished capturing all relevant evidence and observations, tap the "Complete Inspection" button.
  2. Review the summary of the free-form inspection to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  3. Add any final notes or comments in the provided fields.
  4. Tap "Submit" to finalize the inspection and sync the data with the Visualogyx platform.

Tips and Best Practices

  • Take advantage of the flexibility of free-form inspections to capture a wide range of evidence types, from photos and videos to audio recordings and notes.
  • Be descriptive and concise when providing titles or descriptions for your evidence to ensure clarity for future reference.
  • Regularly review and organize the evidence feed to maintain a logical flow and help identify any gaps in documentation.
  • Consider using free-form inspections in conjunction with structured templates to capture ad-hoc observations while still maintaining consistency for routine inspections.
  • Encourage your team to adopt a proactive approach to capturing evidence in real-time, rather than relying on memory or notes after the fact.

By leveraging the power and flexibility of free-form inspections, you can quickly and easily document critical information, streamline your inspection processes, and ensure that no detail goes unnoticed.

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