How to Use Projects

How to Use Projects

Getting Started with Projects

Projects in Visualogyx allow you to effortlessly organize and manage related inspections, providing a centralized hub for streamlined collaboration and comprehensive reporting. By grouping inspections under a specific project or customer, you can maintain a clear overview of progress, access aggregated data, and generate consolidated reports with ease. Let's explore how Projects can revolutionize your inspection workflow.

Creating a New Project

To create a new project, simply follow these steps:

  1. From the main navigation menu, select "Projects."

  2. Click on the "Add Project" button to initiate the project creation process.

  3. Provide a descriptive name for your project and add the location if relevant. Add any other relevant details or notes in the description.

  4. Click "Create Project" to finalize the setup and start adding inspections to your newly created project.

Adding Inspections to a Project

Once your project is set up, it's time to populate it with relevant inspections. Visualogyx offers multiple ways to add inspections to a project:

  1. From the project page, click on the "Add Inspection" button to create a new inspection directly within the project.

  2. If you have existing inspections, you can easily associate them with the project using the "Add Existing Inspection" option.

  3. Utilize the "Start a new Inspection" feature to begin an inspection from a pre-defined template, which will be automatically linked to the project.

Generating Project Reports

One of the key benefits of using Projects is the ability to generate comprehensive reports encompassing all associated inspections. Visualogyx simplifies the reporting process with the following options:

  1. From the project page, select "Generate Report" to create a consolidated report that includes data from all inspections within the project.

  2. Customize the report format, layout, and included data fields to tailor it to your specific requirements.

  3. Export the project report to Excel for further analysis or share it with stakeholders via email or other communication channels.

By leveraging the power of Projects, you can streamline your inspection management process and gain valuable insights through aggregated reporting. Whether you're overseeing a complex construction project or managing multiple inspections for a single customer, Visualogyx's Projects feature empowers you to stay organized, efficient, and in control.

If you have any questions or need further guidance on utilizing Projects effectively, our knowledgeable support team is here to assist you every step of the way. Start harnessing the potential of Projects today and take your inspection workflow to new heights!

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