Monitoring Your Organizations Usage

Monitoring Your Organizations Usage

Monitoring Your Organization's Usage

As an administrator, it's essential to keep track of your organization's usage and activity within Visualogyx. The Usage page within Settings provides a comprehensive overview of key metrics, allowing you to monitor the analytics, productivity and usage of your team.

Understanding the Usage Dashboard

The Usage Dashboard, located under the "Settings" tab, displays a range of metrics that offer insights into your organization's Visualogyx usage. The dashboard is divided into several sections:

  1. Inspections: This section shows the total number of inspections conducted by your organization, as well as the number of shared inspections.
  2. Templates: Keep track of the number of templates created and used by your organization.
  3. Projects: The Projects section displays the total number of projects your organization is currently managing within Visualogyx.
  4. Active Users: Monitor the number of active users within your organization, including the number of invited users who have not yet accepted their invitation. This information helps you manage user licenses and ensure that your team is fully engaged with the platform.
  5. Teams: The Teams section shows the number of teams created within your organization.
  6. Tasks: Track the total number of tasks assigned and completed across your organization. This metric provides visibility into your team's workload and productivity levels.

Analyzing Media Storage Usage

The Usage Dashboard also provides a breakdown of your organization's media storage consumption. You can view the total storage used, as well as the storage allocated to specific file types, such as images, videos, and audio files. Use this information to:

  • Monitor storage usage and anticipate when additional storage may be needed.
  • Identify opportunities to optimize storage by removing unnecessary or duplicate files.
  • Ensure that your team is efficiently utilizing storage resources and adhering to best practices for file management.

Leveraging Usage Data for Optimization

By regularly monitoring and analyzing your organization's usage data, you can:

  • Identify trends and patterns: Look for trends in inspection activity, template usage, and user engagement. Identify areas where your team is excelling and spot potential bottlenecks or inefficiencies.
  • Optimize resource allocation: Use the data to make informed decisions about allocating resources, such as user licenses, storage, and team structures. Ensure that your organization is efficiently utilizing available resources.
  • Set performance goals: Use the usage data to establish benchmarks and set performance goals for your organization. Track progress over time and celebrate achievements along the way.

By leveraging the insights provided by the Usage Dashboard, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your organization's performance, drive user adoption, and ensure that your team is getting the most value from Visualogyx.

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