What are Templates and Inspections?

What are Templates and Inspections?

In Visualogyx, templates and inspections are two fundamental concepts that work together to streamline your data collection and analysis processes.


Templates are pre-defined structures that outline the data fields, questions, and media elements to be captured during an inspection. They serve as a blueprint for your inspections, ensuring consistency and completeness across multiple instances. Templates can be customized to fit your specific industry, use case, or compliance requirements.

The key features of templates include:

  • Drag-and-drop template builder
  • Various field types (text, multiple choice, date, media, signatures)
  • Customizable field properties and validation rules
  • Reusable across multiple inspections


Inspections are the actual instances of data collection based on a selected template. When you create a new inspection, you choose a template to define its structure and then proceed to fill out the required information, capture media, and complete the inspection tasks.

Inspections can be:

  • Assigned to specific team members
  • Scheduled for a particular date and time
  • Conducted using the Visualogyx mobile app or web platform
  • Shared with external stakeholders for collaboration
  • Generated into reports for analysis and decision-making
  • Exportable for analysis via API.

Getting Started with Templates and Inspections To start leveraging the power of templates and inspections in Visualogyx, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Template: Design your first template using the intuitive template builder. Define the data fields, questions, and media elements that align with your inspection requirements.
  2. Configure Template Settings: Customize the template's settings, such as field properties, validation rules, and conditional logic, to ensure data accuracy and consistency.
  3. Create an Inspection: Use your newly created template to generate an inspection instance. Assign the inspection to the appropriate team members and set the due date.
  4. Conduct the Inspection: Complete the inspection by filling out the required information, capturing media, and following the template's structure. Use the Visualogyx mobile app for on-site data collection or the web platform for remote inspections.
  5. Analyze and Share Results: Once the inspection is complete, generate reports to analyze the collected data. Share the inspection results with relevant stakeholders for collaboration and decision-making.

To dive deeper into the template creation process, refer to our "Creating Your First Template" guide, which provides a step-by-step walkthrough of designing and customizing your templates in Visualogyx.

By mastering templates and inspections, you can streamline your data collection workflows, ensure data quality, and drive informed decision-making across your organization.

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